The RP Fear Wiki

Jack: {----------------IG------------------}
*Walking around the main hall, drunk*
Is... Anyone here?
Isaac: *Walks up to Jack* You okay?
Nicole: *Pokes head out of bedroom door Virgil perched on shoulder*
Jack: Hey...*Not fully drunk, but speech slurred and trouble walking*
Ho-how are you guys?
Isaac: Good... Jack, were you drinking?
Nicole: What’s wrong with Jackie...
Jack: Yesh... Yesh I was.
Enjoyed myself last night when I could
Nicole: *Steps out into hall, taller than the last time you saw me. Sword strapped across back Virgil on my shoulder*
Jack: Did... Did you grow, Nikkie?
Nicole: I think so.
Jack: Hahahaa
Nicole: Don’t laugh.
Jack: Why not?
My little sister is growing
Nicole: *Glares*
Jack: What?
Nicole: And my "brother" is a rambling drunk *Walks back into room, slams door*
Jack: *Sighs*
What? I've been depressed lately, I should be able to have ONE good thing happen to me
Nicole: ((Nikki is pissed))
Virgil: ((I assumed, considering the text above me.))
Nicole: ((Oops...))
Jack: *Puts face in hands, sighs*
Virgil: ((I miss anything else?))
Isaac: Jack, what happened since I last saw you?
Jack: My... Well, my queen is still pissed at me, which is why I am not there, but here...
And that is it.
Isaac: Ah.
Jack: My sister visited me, nothing important.
Jack: And I found out my brother became a doctor.
Nicole: *Pokes head out of door* But what are you but a miserable drunkard
I trusted you Jack.
Jack: *Glares at Nikkie* Not true.
Isaac: *Looks at Nikkie* What happened?
Virgil: ((Wait, does Nicole hate Jack now?))
Jack: I had a few drinks, Nikkie, that was it.
Nicole: ((Pretty well))
Jack: Not like I'm downing bottles of it or anything
Virgil: ((Could I get away with hitting him?))
Jack: ((Why is he hated?))
Nicole: A few liver ruining drinks! You can solve problems differently
Jack: *Glares*
Virgil: ((Would Nicole be mad if Marcus punched Jack right now?))
Nicole: ((Drinking hurting/yelling at Marcus.... Terrible teen syndrome... And she would. She still cares))
Jack: It was not to solve problems,
Virgil: ((Alright.))
Jack: I just felt like a night out with my friends
Nicole: That’s when you play chess! Or cards!
Jack: *Sighs*
*Gets up, walks out the manor, feeling slightly hurt*
I have my own bloody apartment, why do I even...
Nicole: *Storms off down the hall Virgil on shoulder and Tiara askew*
Jack: *Sitting on the ground outside the manor, mumbling to myself*
Not there... Not here... Nowhere...
Virgil: *Virgil looks at Nicole, tilting his head*
Nicole: I know Virgil. It’s his fault...
Virgil: *Virgil caws*
Nicole: *Opens Word* What now Virgil?
Virgil: *Virgil starts pecking the keyboard, typing* -There we go.
Nicole: *Giggles* Hello
Virgil: -Hello, Nicole.
Nicole: Hello Virgil how are you?
Virgil: ((I love that Isaac is in the corner and hasn't noticed this.))
-That's good.
Nicole: ((lol))
Isaac: ((I've noticed, just trying to figure out what's going on on my own))
Virgil: ((Ah, okay.))
Isaac: ((And now I gotta go. See ya.))
Virgil: ((Bye.))


Jack: {----------------IG----------------}
*Has sobered up fully*
Isaac: *Sitting in a corner*
Jack: Oh god...
Thank god Adam is asleep.
Isaac: What?
Jack: My Brother.
Isaac: Oh.
Jack: Annoying fuck
He hates me, and my queen
Isaac: Why?
Jack: Oathbreaker. Oathbreakers hate us.
Isaac: Ah.
Virgil: *Virgil flies into the room, lands on the computer desk*
Isaac: *Looks at Virgil* I still don't know exactly what you are...
Jack: I say a member of the Convection
Virgil: *Types on the computer* -I am not part of Convocation. Fears can't get in, remember?
Jack: I suppose
However, that depends if Marcus lets them in.
Virgil: -What I am is a simple raven. Well, physically.
Isaac: Just physically.
Kiba has joined the chat.
Virgil: -On the astral level, I'm human. I guess you could say I got reincarnated as a raven.
Kiba: *Appears*
Jack: Hello, Kiba
Isaac: Hm. Hi.
Virgil: ((Kiba, Virgil is typing on the computer.))
Jack: How are you today *Smiling*?
Virgil: -Hello, Kiba.
Kiba: ((Ooookay)) I’m.. Okay and hello typing raven
*Walks in then stops* ...
*Slowly backs out of room*
Jack: Yeah. A typing raven
What is it Kiba?
Virgil: -You okay, Kiba?
Kiba: *Stays out of room* Let me try this again
*Walks in* WHAT THE HELL?! *Points at raven"
Jack: *Laughing*
Ravens are the smartest birds on earth, Kiba
Virgil: -What? Never seen a typing raven before? *Virgil caws*
Jack: They can be taught to count
Kiba: No I haven’t
Convocation piece..
Jack: Nope.
Nicole: *Walks into room* There you are Virgil
Kiba: No?
Virgil: -Well, technically speaking, I'm the soul of a human in a raven's body.
